Of Bears and Ballots: An Alaskan Adventure in Small-Town Politics

Of Bears and Ballots: An Alaskan Adventure in Small-Town Politics

Of Bears and Ballots: An Alaskan Adventure in Small-Town Politics by Heather Lende
Published by Algonquin Books on June 30, 2020
Pages: 288
Format: ebook
Genres: Domestic Politics, Nonfiction, Politics & Social Sciences
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In the same year that Donald Trump was elected president, Heather Lende was one of the thousands of women inspired to take a more active role in politics. Some of them, like Lende, had never run for office before but now felt called to serve. Lende’s entire campaign for assemblywoman in Haines, Alaska (pop. 2500) cost less than 1000 dollars. The competition was actually stiff—there were nine candidates for three open seats—but Heather prevailed.
This is the true story one woman’s term on the Haines Borough Assembly. Everyone knows everyone in Haines and as the longtime obituary writer for the local newspaper Heather is deeply ensconced in her community. Still, it is a year of downs (Lende was a target of a vicious whisper campaign and recall) and ups (she found her voice and survived the recall). We follow her as she keeps true to her principles and votes against hiring her daughter’s good friend as the town manager, and takes a stance that alienates her husband’s customers at the hardware store they own. And we are there, too, when she learns to compromise to get things done. Some votes—like funding a new outhouse without state management and allocating money on bear proof trash cans—seem pure Alaska; other issues, like the seizure of 100,000 marijuana plants, tie into national issues such as the legalization of marijuana. Whatever the agenda item, the background is the natural beauty and isolation of Alaska, the quirky and amusing cast of Haines characters, including Lende’s large and loving family, and her keen appreciation of what all of us owe one another in this gorgeous crazy world. Of Bears and Ballots is illuminating, relevant, and highly entertaining.