Published by Flatiron Books on March 13th 2018
Pages: 258
Format: arc_paperback
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My name is Amber Reynolds. There are three things you should know about me:
1. I’m in a coma.
2. My husband doesn’t love me anymore.
3. Sometimes I lie.
In 1987 I was living in Huntington, Long Island, that Christmas there was a strange news story of a young newly married couple who had a fight, the wife had gone missing. For at least a week there was nightly news stories about how the young husband was assisting the police in the search and was responsible for providing information that led to the discovery of his wife’s body. He was later convicted of murdering her. I often wondered if something had tripped in his mind that allowed him to repress what had happened. What happens when the mind gets so so over loaded it can no long know the truth.
Alice Feeney’s Sometimes I Lie gives us a glimpse, into the dark side of how the mind works. She also did an excellent job of messing with my mind in one of the best psychological thriller I have read. If you enjoy this genre, this is the book to read.